Civil Rights Watch

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Location: Southeast, United States

Friday, September 22, 2006

On The Road

Daisy Bates and I are taking to the road again in Part II of our Civil Rights Road Trip. We will be on the road for about a week, so I will not be able to blog during that time.

During the trip, we'll be sliding through Virginia to see Appomattox and Monticello. We'll pass the site of Nat Turner's Rebellion and we'll stop off at Moton High School (one of the five schools involved in Brown v. Board of Education) and pay homage to James Farmer at his home.

In North Carolina, we will go to Greensboro where the first sit-in at a Woolworth's lunch counter took place. Later we'll visit Sedalia, where Wellesley College (!) and civil rights collided long before the establishment of Ethos. There, Charlotte Hawkins Brown, a black scholar, named the school she founded after her mentor Alice Palmer, President of Wellesley College. In Raleigh we'll see Shaw University, where the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was born.

Then its on to South Carolina, for Fort Sumter and the site of the Orangeburg Massacre, also the home of Demark Vesey and the Septima Clark Memorial. Any first trip to South Carolina must also include a visit to the Gullah Islands, home to the vanishing Gullah or Geechee culture.

Finally, we'll see the coast of Georgia, visiting historical sites such as the first black Baptist church in North America, one of the nation's oldest black cemetaries, General Sherman's Georgia headquarters, and a little of the Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil allure of Savannah.

Wish us luck, we'll be back in a week!


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